Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets Reviews

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017) Poster

8 /10

Fun Fun northward more Fun

third time I've seen information technology and if you like Sci Fi activeness movies and very attractive stars... you'll have a lot of FUN!!!

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viii /10

This Flick Has Imagination

Audiences do non!

Why is anybody comparing this to Star Wars?

Some random child wasting daddy's coin on an iPhone is randomly shooting a better motion picture correct now than Disney 'Star Wars.' This film is different, the visuals are crazy and the actress is a coquette.

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9 /x

good practiced

I l o v e this film, i love the chick (played by clara) she was so cool, such a relaxed attitude, beloved her style. i likewise similar valerian he's great, and they have a lovely human relationship with each other. i as well love rihanna in this film, loved her dance scene, definitely the best scene.

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nine /ten

Beats Star Wars: the Last Jedi

Style better than the last Star Wars and most other sci-fi films. Very imaginative, plus a lot of fun and action. Contrary to a few other opinions, I idea the actors fit the roles and did a peachy job. ALL of the characters, including the digital, behaved similar real people, not merely mechanically post-obit a formula derived from preceding films. If you don't like the on-screen characters, that doesn't mean the acting was bad. Maybe it's just a reflection of your discomfort in seeing certain roles portrayed. There is a modest chemical element of romance, which always makes some viewers uncomfortable in a shooting and chasing moving picture. Bottom line: this motion picture is seriously under-rated.

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6 /x

It'southward not The 5th Element

When I heard Luc Besson was going to work on a space opera, I immediately hoped it would be like "The Fifth Element" merely with a lilliputian bit more than complexity that would turn into a franchise. Unfortunately, I was mislead by my own hopes and expectations.

For an international French picture, "Valerian and the City of a M Planets" is a very ambitious project that was covered past an amazing $200 million upkeep. Certainly, it has Luc Besson attached to write and direct and it is based on a famous long-running French comic-book serial, then how can it go incorrect? Well, many elements added to this dull but persistent aching afterward watching the whole picture show.

First of all, 6/ten is a high rating for it, but to my reason it had stunning visual effects for a non-Hollywood or British motion picture and that is a remarkable thing to accomplish. Information technology's not always easy to face-up against giants when it comes to the CGI business. Secondly, you could sense Besson'due south sci-fi additions with many quirky technological advancements in terms of guns or gadgets and small things like that brand a true scientific discipline-fiction film to me.

"Valerian and the Metropolis of a Thousand Planets" stars Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevingne as two Special operatives who must end evil-doers from destroying Alpha, the city of a thousand planets, and uncover the truth behind the extinction of an alien race. Right off the bat yous could tell that the chemistry between DeHaan and Delevingne didn't exist and it stayed that way until the end of the picture. I personally think that Dane DeHaan has potential, only it was articulate that this prepare was not suitable for him. The casting actually missed this one. The script didn't aid either, at times making me question how some parts of the dialogue were ever spoken out loud. With the right casting and script this picture could accept been worth something.

This concludes another recent attempt at the space opera genre, after The Wachowskis' "Jupiter Ascending", and information technology turns out that a space opera needs fourth dimension and preparation to do it right and non rush development.

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9 /10

Beautiful, funny, sexy... just loved it

I've read all the comics when I was a kid so I was a bit broken-hearted to run into how Besson turned information technology into a picture show, to see how he would render the characters, the universe, the crazy visuals. I was not disappointed. The pictures are a pure visual delight! The costumes, the landscapes, the lights, the colors... but wow the whole movie! I was amazed with the characters, very shut to their comics counterpart. So yes, I loved that movie and I'll probably go to spotter it again!

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vii /10

Uneven Story Telling is Boosted by Spectacular Visuals

Adjusted from Pierre Christin and Jean-Claude Mézières long-running French sci-fi comics series Valérian And Laureline. Luc Besson creates a stunning visual feast. Besson's attention to item is immaculate. And that along side the quirky dialog's between Laureline and Valerian are what go along this film adrift. I might be in the minority, just I prefer my films to exist lengthy. However in this instance, Valerian feels overstuffed trying to add more depth to the story at every turn. This picture might take benefited from a shorter run time. The biggest surprise was Laureline(Delevingne), her grapheme is what kept my interest throughout the film and her acting was actually on betoken. Equally someone who was skeptical about her casting, I'g glad to be proved wrong. Not saying information technology'southward her breakout performance, Just saying she'south improving and perhaps she might have a time to come as an extra. Everyone deserves a second adventure.

Course: B-

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8 /ten

Spectacular SciFi pulls no punches

Warning: Spoilers

The showtime thing you lot'll observe nigh Luc Besson'southward Valerian is how gorgeous information technology looks, how much work went into the perfect realisation of this globe. In a time where nearly every blockbuster features tons of CGI, Valerian stands out and highlights how cheaply the effects are done in most of the other ones.

Side by side, the sheer creativity of designers, artists, set builders, wardrobe and makeup - again, makes united states of america painfully realise how off-the-rack and dull most blockbusters are. Add to that Besson'south quirky aesthetics and you're in a earth that's nearly overpowering you with its inventiveness, its visual splendour, and also plain fun. I mean, a film where a Jessica Rabbit cameo doesn't experience forced or out of place, that'south just unique.

In my opinion, the optical fireworks were even a bit overdone, some scenes were plainly prepare in a certain way to make them more spectacular only didn't really add to the story - an early on activeness sequence in a half-virtual market place comes to mind that would work nearly equally well in a normal bazaar, just without some gags.

Equally to the story-line - lovers of the books (as I am) volition recognise a lot of ingredients and species, and the main set-piece, a space city, is obviously taken from "50'Ambassadeurs des Ombres", just the story itself is a new ane and revolves around a planet wiped out in a war almost xxx years back, and the repercussions thereof. The "underground" someone wants to keep is not that secret to u.s.a., in fact about half an hour into the moving picture you already have a pretty skilful thought of what's going on, the joy comes from the detours nosotros're taking on the road to the happy catastrophe, not from silly plot twists.

At present, the characters, Valerian and Laureline: Dane DeHaan looks too young for his part from the comics (where Valerian was the more experienced partner, here he just has a college caste), Cara Delevingne is perfectly cast, standing her ground with just the correct corporeality of sarcasm and spunk. The team dynamics were as readers know information technology - Valerian the one who tends to stick to the rules and play by book while Laureline tends to deed more than impulsively - only both working together really well, be it as a duo or solo. There is a romance angle in the movie that was not taken from the books and feels a scrap forced, thankfully information technology stays marginal and doesn't lessen the overall enjoyment.

And cheers to the screenwriters (Besson, mostly) for not going full in with the stakes. While there'due south some serious action hither - people die and some more might dice if V&Fifty didn't succeed - information technology's actually a rather smallish plot, with just one single villain, and no worlds or even the universe to be saved, just the lives of some innocent bystanders.

Big recommendation for all fans of colourful SciFi and optical fireworks!

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7 /10

Watch it - y'all won't become annihilation meliorate this year

The Hollywood line-up this year doesn't provide annihilation remotely interesting. So don't let a shaky story-line, unnecessary dialogue and slightly hammy acting dissuade you from watching the most stunning visuals since "Avatar".

Based on 60s French cult comic series "Valerian & Laureline" - mystery to me why didn't they keep that title -, the magnificent opening sequence sets the tone for a more esoteric approach to Sci-Fi than "Star Wars". I won't let on almost the story too much so as not to ruin any element of surprise. Let's merely say they actually should have lost the romantic chitchat. It makes the picture drag at inconvenient times. With existent writers, this could take go a archetype.

The draw is the eye processed and there's enough of information technology. Again I cannot in skilful censor divulge whatever details. Again let'southward simply say that one gets treated to the most creative utilize of lemons in the history of moving-picture show. I'll accept to watch information technology again to catch all the pop fine art references. Aliens were never more than cute, more sophisticated, more than varied. And while the Rihanna scene cannot compete with the opera scene in "5th Element", it's the best use of a functioning human activity in pic in years.

Alas, when one thinks "5th Chemical element", the main weaknesses of "Valerian" stands out clearly: mediocre acting and a terrible script. Bloodless DeHaan is the near dreadfully miscast atomic number 82 since Tom Hiddleston in "Kong: Skull Island". Why didn't they cast the likes of Theo James with over $200 mil to fire? Cara Delevingne is cool but no Milla Jovovich - Besson loved Jovovich for real and the camera and editing really showed that. Delevingne's Laureline comes across as a run-of-the-manufactory heroine even though she'southward doing a solid task. Clive Owen cannot even remotely compare to Gary Oldman's Hitleresque splendor. Strangely enough, the CGI aliens exercise the all-time acting and have all the memorable lines. Besson'southward script-writing has ever been shaky but seems to get progressively worse.

Still, compared to this year'south Hollywood fare of sequels, all the same some other superhero franchise and musicals with thespians who cannot sing, "Valerian" is infinitely more entertaining.

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10 /10

Hugely Enjoyable!

Although I besides enjoy super hero movies, activeness movies blah blah - they are getting tired. Good directors tin can get the pacing, directing and interim so right that the same-ol story tin exist told while still be entertaining. Especially in science fiction, it seems there are no original ideas whatsoever more.

Then comes along Valerian - WOW! What a refreshing and imaginative globe they've developed and an exciting movie they've created! The trailers truly do non do this pic justice. I watched this moving picture but for Luc Besson, because the trailer made the motion picture look like the usual Hollywood drivel. What I got instead was an extremely pleasing and original story that was superbly executed.

What I beloved well-nigh the movie is that the plot isn't your typical sci-fi plot. It plays like a detective story intermingled with activeness and amazing visuals, culminating in a very satisfying catastrophe that made me yearn for sequels to learn more about the universe Besson has created.

Well done! This pic deserves to alive on! Watch it in the theaters and be thrilled!

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7 /10

A visually astoundish take a chance...

This was visually an impressive moving picture because there is so much going on in almost every scene, and it is hard to notice everything. And on that account the movie is well worth watching more than than once; the start time for the storyline, the post-obit times to pick up the details that y'all missed in the background and around the scenes.

The storyline was good, and you were instantly sucked into the midst of everything. However, the moving-picture show started to lose its momentum during the last 25 minutes or so. Perhaps editing could have been a chip more strict and trimmed the film downward a notch in length.

The cast was skillful and performed quite well, and in that location was an affluence of impressive cameo appearances by actually big names.

With an experienced manager like Luc Besson at the wheel, then of course something like this was expected. Specially if you have his directing career into consideration.

I was genuinely entertained by "Valerian and the Urban center of a Thousand Planets" and it more then definitely lived up to my expectations. If you haven't already seen this motion-picture show and if you lot enjoy the work of Luc Besson, and so you certainly should take the time to sit downwardly and watch information technology.

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viii /10

Enjoyably bonkers sci-fi from Luc Besson

As this picture show opens we acquire how the International Infinite Station gradually grew in size and importance until its gravity started to affect the Earth; Information technology is pushed away merely continues to abound ultimately condign Blastoff; a city in space that supports beings from a yard planets. Nosotros then meet the idyllic Planet Mül... at least it is idyllic until a space battle leads to the planet'southward devastation; only a scattering of locals survive. We then cutting to the film's protagonists; Major Valerian and his partner Sergeant Laureline who appear to exist relaxing on a beach... in fact they on a spaceship minutes from their destination. One time there Valerian is tasked with retrieving the final Mül Converter; a creature that replicates annihilation it eats.

This is only the start of the chance; presently after they return to Alpha with the Mül Converter Commander Arun Filitt is kidnapped past aliens and taken to an expanse of Alpha that has manifestly become contaminated; anybody who investigates disappears. Valerian and Laureline are tasked with rescuing him. During this rescue they are separated and must rescue each other earlier finally finding the Commander and learning the truth nearly the planet Mül.

If yous liked Luc Besson's previous sci-fi classic 'The Fifth Chemical element' merely thought it a little too restrained then this is the picture for you lot! The story may be pretty simple but the execution gives us numerous exotic aliens and a brilliantly realised urban center that we swoop through as our protagonists travel through it. The special effects are top notch; some of the aliens may look a bit rubbery simply that adds to their charm. Actors Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevingne do fine jobs as Valerian and Laureline; they might not be in line for awards but their performances suited the nature of the moving picture. There is besides a fun operation from singer Rihanna as Chimera, a shapeshifting conflicting. Overall I institute this to a lot of fun; if you want something deep and meaningful this won't be for you merely if you want good brain-in-neutral sci-fi action that is suitable for all merely the youngest viewers you could exist a lot worse.

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8 /x

The Fifth Element's distant cousin

'Star Wars, Star Trek, Valerian.' Spot the odd one out. Well, apparently, all Three are major players in the sci-fi earth. The problem is that only one of them is a major comic in France ONLY (and that's 'Valerian' in case y'all wondered!). Therefore, there weren't that many people getting particularly excited when it was announced that it would be coming to the big screen, courtesy of visionary directly, Luc Besson. Therefore, the only existent slice of trivia to help promote its launch was 'The nigh expensive French film always made' hardly fix the pre-ticket sales at the Box Role alight. And, subsequently, information technology didn't really live upwards to its full potential.

Luc Besson was also the author/manager behind 'The Fifth Element' - a sci-fi pic with a decent budget that only actually did 'okay-ish' at the Box Office, earlier truly finding its identify in cinema history throughout the years afterwards its release. It did a lot improve on the small screen and eventually became quite a (assisting!) cult hit, at present regarded as ane of the best sci-fi films of the nineties. I'm non proverb that 'Valerian' is quite up there with 'The 5th Element,' but I certainly enjoyed it more than its disappointing Box Office takings suggested.

First of all, the wonderfully-haunting song ('Infinite Oddity' by David Bowie) plays over a montage of shots showing humanity edifice a space station around Earth which went on to become a buoy of intergalactic trade for numerous species and, somewhen, got and then big that information technology had to exist released into the cosmos forever. Skip forward a few hundred years and we meet our 2 immature peace-keepers-of-the-hereafter, Major Valerian (Dane DeHaan) and Sergeant Laureline (Cara Delevingne) who are mostly charged with the task of saving a peaceful race from ultimate devastation. I won't get into too much detail regarding the plot considering it is pretty standard and in that location's nothing really new at that place that hasn't been done before.

What follows are just over two hours of beautiful, colouring settings which really exercise put the 'Star Wars' films to shame in terms of detail and imagination. Of course much of the scenery and aliens are figurer-generated, but it's non as jarring as information technology could be and, once you go used to information technology, y'all really do feel these weird and wonderful creatures and places are there. Plus in that location's plenty of great futuristic tech on display to go with the -inevitable - action-related set-pieces - my personal favourite being a market in another dimension that you tin only see wearing special glasses (it'due south also a tourist hot-spot of the futurity!).

And so, 'Valerian' does a lot right. However, what may go some way to allow information technology down is 'Valerian' himself, i.e. Dane DeHaan. I've seen him in other films and he's a adept player, sadly hither he just doesn't seem to cut it as a believable action hero/leading man. I don't know whether he just struggled acting against and so much CGI, but all I could focus on was having the saviour of the galaxy and the bags nether his optics! I know some people slate Cara for her acting ability, simply I found her far more than believable every bit a 'infinite cop' and well-nigh wished she was the sole hero the film was based on. The plot also wanders here and there and you feel similar there are a few 'sub-plots' which don't actually get anywhere and probably could have been removed.

However, the film overall was cracking fun and if you're looking for a cute infinite opera with plenty of neat tricks and action, y'all'll get what you're looking for here. Hopefully, like World's long-lost space station itself, this will eventually find its identify in the universe. Guess we'll probably never get the sequel that could have been based on its comic-roots.

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7 /10

Both Too Practiced and Too Bad to Recommend Strongly

I'm not going to lie, I was looking forrard to Valerian and the Metropolis of a Grand Planets. The production team behind it, in combination with the history of the IP (not to mention the admittedly bonkers trailer) fabricated information technology seem like Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) level intensity was the all-time case scenario. Worst case scenario, we were looking at a Jupiter Ascending (2015) a la, a movie with enough sheer lunacy to justify a watch despite being seriously flawed.

So it'south to my surprise and partially to my chagrin that Valerian is neither of these things - not actually. It is a painfully sincere movie that is positively aglow with its own ingenuity, like a toddler is with his own finger painting. And believe it or not, that kind of innocent hubris does save Valerian from quite of few scrapes and contrivances here and at that place. Still when the day is done, at that place's no denying director Luc Besson'southward newest sci-fi infinite risk is simultaneously too sloppy and too well fabricated to enjoy.

Valerian and the Urban center of a Thousand Planets is based on a series of French scientific discipline fiction comics which chronicle the adventures of Valerian (DeHaan) a roguish infinite cop and his dryad-esque partner Laureline (Delevingne). After their latest mission inadvertently puts them in possession of the pic'due south magical sci-fi maguffin, they make their way to the fabled space city of Blastoff. Once they get there all the same, all hell breaks loose and our heroes discover themselves scrabbling to rescue their superior, Commander Filitt (Owen) from an unknown group of aliens.

The highs of this movie are near euphoric with some of the most creative and convincing examples of world-edifice seen this side of blockbuster cinema. The engineering, the habitats the creature design et al. are all and then refreshingly fun with the city of Alpha being the clear standout of all the marvelous filigree. Alpha at times feels like an ever shifting graphic symbol in the film, assimilating worthwhile ideas from Star Trek (1966-1969), "John Carter of Mars," "20,000 Leagues Under the Body of water" and all points in between. What'southward more, the worlds that are created here, yous feel like you tin come correct out and touch them. They practically beg to be explored and thanks in role to the script, you lot get a decent if breezy tour of Blastoff via Valerian and Laureline's fast-paced adventure.

Yet the lows in this movie are most embarrassingly low, with every bad conclusion sticking out like Chris Tucker in cheetah impress. The bug start nearly immediately. Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevingne for all their efforts are sorely miscast equally our heroes; trying desperately to pull off a Han/Leia vibe with the chemistry of flat soda. Much of it tin't be helped of course; partially due to their age they expect less like grizzled space cops whom by their own admission "have seen it all," and more like children playing apparel up. You can also merely tell what footling direction they were given was limited to them hitting their mark and reading their lines, never listen emoting or interacting with the space in any meaningful fashion.

There'due south as well the issue of the plot, which on its ain merits is fine and fifty-fifty a little illuminating on paper. Yet due to the way the story unfolds, we're given everything we need to piece together the themes very early on. Its clear Luc Besson (who also wrote the screenplay) doesn't want to bog the movie down too much with Avatar (2009) -level messaging. Gadgetry tin can be argued to exist its own reward. Merely because the motion-picture show is in such a rush to whisk us to the next prove-stopping fix-piece, it all simply ignores its problematic elements. Elements that include only are not limited to: a simple "noble cruel" vs. militaristic boogeyman narrative, human (alien) trafficking being treated equally a fumbled plot device, an alien race modeled after feudal Japanese stereotypes that actually eats people...

Even so despite big, big, BIG problems, Valerian still manages to eek out enough good ideas worthy of a tacit recommendation. The bustling metropolis of Alpha, reminiscent of Venice during the Renaissance or Baghdad at the height of the Abbasids is certainly worth a expect. Of form if the imagination inherent in a far-future sci-fi smorgasbord isn't enough to entice yous, and you lot're more concerned with say story, plot etc. then I say read the graphic novels instead.

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three /10

Valerian And The Urban center Of...Who Cares?

Warning: Spoilers

"Valerian And The City Of... Who Cares..." flopped considering it was a jumbled mess. Crummy story, terrible script, badly edited and the so chosen "stunning visuals" were an incoherent cacophony of sights and sounds, that surely looked pretty at times, but added nothing to the pic, except requite audiences whiplash and headaches.

But possibly even worse were the 2 lead actors cast in the main roles, the people supposed to acquit this picture. Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevingne had zero on-screen chemistry. They are terrible sub-par actors, which isn't maxim much given the widespread lack of talent of the upcoming generation of artists, people who think that "trending" and existence famous is the aforementioned as having talent and power.

Watching Cara Delevingne trying to act is nigh as painful as beingness lobotomized while awake...

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7 /10

Wrong actors in a otherwise good movie

Warning: Spoilers

As always Luc Besson makes a visual outstanding movie. The furnishings are like the best sci fi flicks and for that alone the picture is worth watching.

The story might not be the all-time, but what really is negative well-nigh this space adventure is the casting, specially the lead characters. Who actually believe Valerian is a human hero, a military major when he looks like a 50kg high school boy? I know I dont. And in that location are other characters who are really misplaced and dont seem to know the art of acting at all. You simply dont believe in them.

I would say Luc Besson had all his directing skills focused on the furnishings of the moving-picture show, and left the (bad) actors to exercise what they pleased without any focus on making the characters believable.

I hope I'll never see Dane DeHaan deed ever again.. The CGI characters have better interim than him and Cara Delevingne.

The reason for me giving 7 stars is because of the visual universe Luc Besson created, it's really great. If y'all dont care nearly bad casting and bad interim this film is entertaining and well made.

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5 /10

Overrated, eye candy A-, the rest C

The weird matter is, I have a LOT of Luc movies in my movie collection. I would never purchase this one. Its pure eye candy, and equally eye processed goes its meliorate than most

The script is tediously predictable, the acting is barely serviceable, and the age of our protagonists does not really fit their MO, unless they went through some rejuvenation procedures, -which is non mentioned anywhere

The movie has been branded equally a box office bomb, and i am very relieved over this, equally it means Luc and company will exist forced to turn out an overall quality production next time effectually

I'one thousand betting Luc has such a large entourage that he cannot get honest constructive criticism anymore, otherwise a lot of this movie would never had fabricated it on movie, including the actors, dialogue, script

There are some very funny and unique items in the pic, but non enough to salve it from dragging down a viewer

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1 /10

An Utter disappointment

When I commencement saw the trailer for this, and being a huge fan of the (Vastly superior) Fifth Element, as well as Leon the Professional, I could hardly wait to meet it. What a fault! I should take waited. A terrible story cannot exist supported by great visuals. This was one boring, almost unfollowable story. The leads are pretty, but the inane dialogue waste'southward them totally. The unabridged SciFi part is wrapped around a basically horny Valerian wanting to settle down with his fellow amanuensis. The opening, about the edifice of station Blastoff is the all-time part. The rest of the film goes downhill from at that place. Just a really huge mistake. After Luc's near miss with Lucy, (expert until the cease), I was hoping that he would rebound with this, but this is just a huge, dull (I almost fell asleep during information technology) mess of a flick. Then pitiful, since there was some serious potential here.

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8 /ten

Interesting & colorful

Alert: Spoilers

The picture is definitely interesting & colorful & imaginative. Just somewhat confusing to those of united states of america who are not familiar with the French comic book stories. There are besides some ripoff's from American scifi. They have iii short bargaining creatures which are clearly a cross between the MIB Worms with attitudes of Star Trek Ferengi'due south.

On the DVD extra'south when they showed the comic book pages, you could see a collection of Mr Spock characters but these were not in the film. What creatures were in the film were unique & interesting, but a few in the opening montage were conspicuously of Star Expedition origin.

However, those creatures in the core of the film were unique & fun to watch. Yet, those of us who were not familiar with the comics were somewhat confused most the plot for the first one-half of the movie. We finally caught on when the pearl people explained information technology halfway into the moving-picture show. The plot should have been described at the beginning after the assail on their planet.

The two big problems were the costumes of the 2 stars. They should have worn sexy white jumpsuit spacesuits like shown on the comics. That would take made a huge difference.

The second problem was the two principal actors. They both looked 15 years old & certainly didn't evoke the sexy comic book couple. The actors should have looked like they were in their mid twenty's, more than mature & sexy supercouple stars. This pair of actors was unbelievable in their roles. Not the actors faults. Nosotros could not imagine these immature teenagers in these roles of the supercouple duo shown in the comic book pages on the DVD extras. When yous choose the incorrect actors for a part, it can ruin your entire picture. This couple was simply wrong for the supercouple role. Wearing dark, clumsy costumes made information technology worse.

Information technology was a bad casting fit with bad costumes. If they could correct this and did a better job of presenting the plot so we knew what was happening, information technology could have been a truly dandy pic.

The pole dancing creature was a work of genius. No nudity. Just very creative. The actress was very talented & gymnastic. I mean this seriously. I'one thousand not into females since I am one. The choreography was exceptional & cleverly edited with costume morphing. Deserving of an university award.

Definitely worth watching. The acting is OK. It just doesn't click with this pair of actors who don't fit with the comic book supercouple. I hope they do create a sequel & brand these changes to the ii main actors & their costumes.

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Terrible interim

Most reviews have referred to the lead actress in physical terms...she is hot, simply a horrible actress, in fact the interim was about B moving picture level overall...with the exception of Clive Owen.

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10 /ten

A Must See

Valerian and the city of a thousand planets is a must run into film for the whole unabridged family. I saw Valerian in Real D 3D and it was Fantastic. This was a bully film that volition keep your heed asking for more. I have seen a lot of Sc Fi movies, but this has been the best 1 by far. The acting was on bespeak the whole time from the very first till the cease credits. Rihanna was great every bit her function every bit Bubble.

Parents Valerian is rated Pg-thirteen, but to exist honest I did not run into why as well the activeness and the flirting betwixt Valerian and his partner. I really call up the little ones will love this marvelous picture show full of brilliant colors.

This movie is i in the history books for being a unique motion picture that was a masterpiece for always and ever

My score for Valerian 10/10

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eight /10

Cute Euro Blondie

She is hawt and those legs sticking out of that keen miniskirt... just yum.

Yum yum.

The co-pilot major was hopeless, He couldn't nail her. Seriously???

Terminate trying so hard and just do it. The harder you attempt the more they play difficult to get.


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3 /10

COMPLETELY Unsuitable lead histrion

Alert: Spoilers

A completely unsuitable lead actor ruined this otherwise neat story. WHAT on globe were the casting directors thinking about when they chose this guy to be at that place lead actor. It's not for a moment believable that he pulls off all these brave, daring, tough guy stuff. Neither is the on-screen romance believable betwixt this loser and the atomic number 82 actress.

The lead actress was likewise unsuitable for the role but perhaps not as bad. No body would look at these two and say "I desire to be like them or look like them or be in their shoes" allow alone wanting to follow them for two hours and twenty minutes.

Surely $180 million could take secured proper casting. I am pondering for the first time almost how crucial it is likewise accept competent casting.

The selection of moving-picture show title was also disastrous. They should have chosen a shorter name with more touch.

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ix /10

Incredibly Potent

Clearly the starlet is non American. She is slender, flaunting and those legs sticking out of the mini skirt scream "SPREAD EAGLE"

The oral communication at the end shows she is hot and smart.

And the effects.. wow.. what a city!

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half-dozen /10

Valerian: The Pic Of A Thousand Visuals

Comic books, a lovable source of entertainment in many forms. While superheroes from the DC and Marvel universe shows take the cake, there are a few unique nuggets hidden in the colorful pages. Valerian is one such series, a sci-fi adventure that held a compensation of potential comic gold that would certainly make for a good movie. Turns out, Hollywood did its inquiry and this weekend, the cinematic rendition of this tale hits theaters. With all the hype, I hope this film will be the picture of the summer! What is my verdict? Let'due south get started with another Robbie'due south movie review.


Role of the story: Science Fiction stories with fantasy can go either fashion in quality as seen in a broad diversity of movies. Function of Valerian's story captures a sincere element that tugs at the centre strings concerning one of the races. While not the nigh circuitous of stories, this subplot has a nice dynamic to it as you learn of the race and their fight for survival. A few other tangent tales are decent also, primarily one concerning Rihanna character Bubble the exotic shape shifter. This tale had a trivial heart to information technology, it just needed more to exist complete.

The Graphics: The trailers weren't kidding when they hyped upwardly the graphics of this moving-picture show. Valerian'southward strongest selling point is the beautiful visuals contained in its computer-generated setting. It starts with the creatures that inhabited the galaxy and expands beyond that to bring out some truly imaginative world edifice that this mean solar day and historic period can perfect. The cities themselves are polished with each level having its own sense of style, "form" and personality that was captured in the high definition graphics. One will certainly meet the budget went into the design of this film, and many of the scenes are certainly geared towards the 3-D ride they want to take you on, especially in those chase scenes. Is it as skilful as Avatar's visuals? While certainly imaginative, Valerian has some polishing to exercise to match the realism in that film. All the same, the creatures are certainly more diverse than those found in its blue cousin'southward globe. Of note: I would have loved to see more costumes and makeup to kickoff the engineering and add a little more realism to the mix.


The Story Overall: While in that location is i component that touched my heart, Valerian has issues in the story department overall. Much of the tale is a rather rushed mess, devoid of whatsoever sustenance that the trailers promised. The night looming threat that threatened to plummet the artificial urban center is nothing what I expected. Truth be told, the large revelation was kind of lame and expected (I was able to decipher much of the mystery within the showtime hour.) There was little suspense in the tale, and the execution didn't add much "flare" to information technology. In regards to character development, that was also lacking, the ii leads barely evolving past their superficial soldier roles from the get-go. The result were deadening characters that I had difficulty attaching to. I can't say the interim or chemical science between the two was not the strongest, which did not aid their case any farther.

Action: Or should I say lack of action. Despite the promises by the trailers, Valerian is rather lax in regards to stunning activeness sequences. The blaster scenes hold some potential, but are rather banal and short-lived to get hyped up for. A few chase scenes manage to inject a little speed into the stride of this movie, but unfortunately you have seen the unabridged scene in the trailer, leaving little more to become hyped about. The shut combat scenes weren't much improved, with many of them existence overacted, forced, and somewhat sluggish. While certainly non absent, Valerian's visual style should accept had more exciting action to compliment information technology, simply sadly that was not the case.

Under employ of creatures: With all the earth building and alien design, you would think they would apply information technology more than. Unfortunately, much of the creatures and behemoths are shown off only in passing and take little relevance to the story. Ironically, most of the extras are but humans dressed in interesting outfits, while the rest of the CGi creatures remain isolated from our heroes. The lack of integration made for an underutilized cast, and the loss of inventiveness was difficult to see. Hopefully this will exist rectified in future installments.

Editing: Maybe the biggest dislike for me was some of the poor editing in this movie. Valerian has two sequences that were weak integrations into the plot, feeling irrelevant in the 1000 scheme. One of these scenes adds nigh 30 minutes to the moving-picture show, and if deleted would do little damage other than dropping one glory exotic dance. Why this was the start of the rescue…I don't know, but it weakened the film by kinking upwardly the step of the motion picture.

The Verdict:

It's true that Valerian has stunning looks, animation, and world building, only outside of that at that place isn't much to say wow besides. I haven't read the comic book, but this movie did not experience as if information technology brought the story to life, nor the activeness the novel most likely held. Without these components, or meliorate editing for that matter, the 137-infinitesimal run fourth dimension is a bit of a snooze fest in regards to sci-fi operas. Still, the visual furnishings are certainly theater worthy, but I still listen caution in seeing this one on the silver screen.

My scores:

Activeness/Run a risk/Sci-Fi: 6.0 Motion-picture show Overall: 5.0

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